Animating a Silverlight Object's Embed Size Using jQuery or MooTools
Submitted by smartyP on Mon, 08/02/2010 - 19:50One of the projects I'm working on right now requires having a Silverlight object on a page grow to be larger and shrink to be smaller as its containing <div> area's size is changed using javascript. Below is the Silverlight embed code, and the relative javascript for using either jQuery or MooTools. All the javascript functions take action on a div section named 'resizableControlHost' which I added to wrap the normal 'silverlightControlHost' div section.
Basic HTML of Silverlight object embed (wrapped in a 'resizableControlHost' div):
<div id="resizableControlHost"> <div id="silverlightControlHost"> <object data="data:application/x-silverlight-2," type="application/x-silverlight-2" width="100%" height="100%"> <!-- details removed --> </object> </div> </div>
Resizing the 'resizableControlHost' div with jQuery:
function gotoSmallSize() { $("#resizableControlHost").animate({ width: "200px", height: "100px", }, 500); }
(click 'read more' to keep reading..)